📚 follow HPS scholars on mastodon

Where are all the History and/or Philosophy of Science (HPS) scholars on Mastodon?

This page provides a list of HPS accounts and a way to follow multiple accounts at once. You can decide if you want to follow some or all of the accounts in the list. You are provided with a .csv file, which you can upload in Mastodon in order to follow those you select. Here you can find brief instructions on how to do this.

Tip! You can follow and post HPS-related content using several hashtags: #histsci #philsci #HPS and the many variations of discipline-specific HPS research, as well as tagging #histodons for general history and #philosophy for general philosophy. Hashtags matter in Mastodon, there's no algorithm to feed you content, so don't forget to use them to find and be found!

If you'd like to be added to the list please fill in this form (takes 1' and makes it much easier for me to process all the requests). Alternatively, send me a direct message on Mastodon @oliviodare@scholar.social. If you want to edit some of the information given i.e., misspellings, errors, message me.

Name (gang: H / P / HPS) and account name (with link to profile)

If you'd like to be added to the list please fill in this form (takes 1' and makes it much easier for me to process all the requests). Alternatively, send me a direct message on Mastodon @oliviodare@scholar.social. If you want to edit some of the information given i.e., misspellings, errors, message me.

Page blatanly copied from that of our STS friends, so please do let me know if things bᵣₑₐₖ or look pɹıǝʍ.

Code can be found on this GitHub repository, open to be forked, forked from our next-door STS neighbours, itself forked from this list of sociologists by David Adler, Thomas Haase & Hendrik Erz. Talk about knowledge circulation, ei?